Official websites use .gov
A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.

Secure .gov websites use HTTPS
A lock ( ) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.

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  • Metric: active users
  • Description: the number of unique users who engaged with a website or app within a specified reporting timeframe.

  • Dimension: event name
  • Metric: event count
  • Description: the number of unique users who visited a website or app for the first time within a specified reporting timeframe.

  • Metric: screen page views
  • Description: the total number of times a web page or or screen was viewed within a specified reporting timeframe.

  • Dimension: event name
  • Metric: event count
  • Description: the total number of times any file (e.g. .pdf, .xls, .xlsx) was downloaded within a specified reporting timeframe.

  • Metric: active users
  • Dimensions: screen name, page title
  • Description: Top webpages and/or web applications based on the highest number of active users for the reporting timeframe.

  • Metric: active users
  • Dimensions: city, country, language
  • Description: top cities and countries from which user activity originated, and top language settings in user browsers for the reporting timeframe.

    Geo-location data provides useful insights into high-level trends but should be interpreted carefully. When a user accesses a website through a VPN, DAP reports their traffic based on the VPN server's location. For example, if the VPN server is in Ashburn, VA—a major hub for internet traffic due to its concentration of data centers—the user's location may be recorded as Ashburn, affecting the accuracy of traffic patterns.

  • Metric: screen page views
  • Dimensions: hostname, full page URL, page title
  • Description: top second-level domain websites and/or subdomains based on the number of total page views within the reporting timeframe.

  • Metric: average session duration
  • Description: the amount of time users spend on a web page in focus or app screen in the foreground across all DAP participating government websites within the reporting timeframe.

  • Metric: percentage of engaged sessions.
  • Description: the percentage of engaged sessions on websites or mobile applications across DAP-participating websites and apps within the reporting timeframe.


A dimension is an attribute of data that describes data (e.g. device type) as opposed to numbers (metrics).
Below is the list of dimensions used in reports.

The browser from which user activity originated. Typical browsers include 'Chrome', 'Edge', 'Firefox', 'Internet Explorer', 'Opera', and 'Safari'.

The city from which user activity originates.

Geo-location data provides useful insights into high-level trends but should be interpreted carefully. When a user accesses a website through a VPN, DAP reports their traffic based on the VPN server's location. For example, if the VPN server is in Ashburn, VA—a major hub for internet traffic due to its concentration of data centers—the user's location may be recorded as Ashburn, affecting the accuracy of traffic patterns.

The country from which user activity originates.

Geo-location data provides useful insights into high-level trends but should be interpreted carefully. When a user accesses a website through a VPN, DAP reports their traffic based on the VPN server's location. For example, if the VPN server is in Ashburn, VA—a major hub for internet traffic due to its concentration of data centers—the user's location may be recorded as Ashburn, affecting the accuracy of traffic patterns.

Channel groupings are rule-based definitions of your traffic sources.

The brand name of the mobile device (e.g., Motorola, LG, or Samsung).

The type of device from which user activity originated. Device categories include 'desktop', 'mobile', and 'tablet'.

An event allows measurement of a specific interaction or occurrence on websites or applications. Some key events include session start, first visit, file download, and video play.

A federal government website is a unique discoverable hostname or Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that responds to a HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) protocol which has been made available by a Federal executive branch entity.

The page path of a file download (for example, '/pub/irs-pdf/f1040.pdf').

The subdomain and domain names of a URL that people visited on a website. For example, the hostname of '' is ''.

The name of the language of a user's browser or device.
The full URL for a file download at the time of download.

The operating system used by visitors on your website or application. Typical operating systems include 'Android', 'Chrome OS', 'Macintosh', and 'Windows'.

The page title that you set on websites. The page title comes from the <title> tag in your HTML. You can also add the page_title parameter to the config command to send a different page title.

The page title from a website and screen name from a mobile app.

The width and height (in pixels) of the screen from which user activity originates.

A source is a representation of the publisher or inventory source from which traffic originated. A medium is a method for acquiring users to websites or applications.

The title of the video which was played.

The full URL for the video which was played.


A metric is a quantitative measure (e.g. total number, average, ratio, percentage). A metric is always a number as opposed to text or a description (e.g. dimensions).
Below is the list of metrics used in reports.

The number of unique users who visited websites or applications within a specified date range.

The average duration (in seconds) of users' sessions.

The number of sessions that lasted 10 seconds or longer, or had one or more conversion events, or two or more page or screen views.

The percentage of sessions that were engaged.

The number of times that users triggered an event.

The number of app screens or web pages your users viewed. Repeated views of a single page or screen are counted. (screen_view + page_view events).

The number of sessions that began on websites or applications. A session is a period of time during which a user interacts with a website or app.